Different Types of Training to Become A Lifeguard
There are different types of training programs available to become a lifeguard. The most common type of training is a certification through the American Red Cross and the American Lifeguard Association. Other organizations that offer lifeguard certification include the YMCA, the United States Lifesaving Association, and the Boy Scouts of America. There are also several […]
What Is The Importance Of A Lifeguard?
Nobody wants to see anyone drown in front of them, but many people are unsure how to respond when someone begins struggling for his or her life in the water. Despite advances in technology, estimated annual drowning-related fatalities have remained constant here in the United States at approximately 10 per 100,000 people (approximately 3,300) over […]
What Are The Risks of Being a Lifeguard
During the summer unemployment falls due to temporary jobs, including lifeguards. The beaches require their services and the public and private swimming pools of the urbanizations are filled with bathers, children and parents, in some cases reckless. To access the lifeguard training and job, you must obtain the title of a lifeguard in the American […]
What are The Advantages & Disadvantages of Lifeguarding at Beaches?
The massive presence of swimmers in aquatic facilities in summer presents the need to exert PREVENTION, SURVEILLANCE, and CONTROL on them in their leisure time spent on the beaches. As a consequence of the swimming, situations will arise in which it will be necessary to act with PROMPTNESS, carry out a DIAGNOSIS and carry out […]